What’s Wrong With England?

Bunch of Godless heathens over there, probably from being so closed to Europe.

There’s JD Rawling the guy who wrote Harry Potter which druggies love and say Harry Pothead. It’s a movie about magic witch is insulting to Christianity. The idea that wizards and dragons can make books fly is trying to diminish the power of God’s miracles and the Gospel. It’s also part of the gay agenda.

Pullman wrote The Golden Compass which is a book about basically the same thing. And he said “I’m For The Death of GOD.”

Richard Dawkins is another Brittish person. We all know about him.

And Christopher Hichens is a windbag alcoholic lush that needs to turn himself over to God in a AA meeting. And then go save his soul.


  1. 1
    Jeff Says:

    England is a more atheist country.

  2. 2
    Jo Says:

    you’re obviously so closed minded that you have also become sexist, just from the notion that you think that JK Rowling is a man and not a woman shows that you are sexist where your first assumption would go to male and not female or “not sure.” Also how is this all affiliated to the gay agenda? there are many gays who believe in god and christianity to be specific. Also the gays who are against christianity or don’t believe in it is most of the time because religion let them go when it said that gays should be killed.

  3. 3
    chillinatthecabstand Says:

    I love how the only thing you got right in this whole post is that Dawkins is British and Hitchens drinks.

    By the way, HER name is J.K. Rowling and “Harry Pothead” is a SNL skit parodying it.

  4. 4
    shidemn Says:

    You really cant do a post without bashing someone great can you
    J.K. Rowling- great writer
    Pullman- another great writter
    Richard Dawkins – what do you know another great writter
    the list goes on, this makes me wonder something, you hate good writters because bassed on your vocabulary, grammar, and overall spelling errors, you dont read much, and also you apparently believe what you read/and or are told about theses people.

    P.S. Also i thought i say, this made me laugh.
    Bunch of Godless heathens over there, probably from being so closed to Europe.
    Well yah its close to europe it in europe.

    P.S.S. i bet you just love Norway!

  5. 5
    Dan Says:

    Hmm….What’s wrong with America?

    1) Expensive, privatised health care that the poor can’t afford.
    2) Obscene extremes of wealth, from the very rich to the very poor, even though this is supposed to be a highly developed, free country
    3) Government that is almost owned by big business.
    4) An idiotic leader who can’t pronounce anything correctly.
    5) Guns are commonplace – any mentally unstable person can get hold of one and go on a killing spree.

    I’m not against Americans, but America sure has plenty of it’s own problems. Rather than complaining about Britain, maybe you should focus on some of your own problems first.

    P.S. I’m VERY surprised you didn’t mention anything about the NHS which you right wing nuts seem to have a problem with….

  6. 6
    chillinatthecabstand Says:

    Hmm… Good comment, Dan, I disagree with #5, though – I’m against gun control, actually.

  7. 7
    angryxtian Says:

    Whatt? Your not a take oru guns away libral? Holy wow! Can it be that me and the athiest agree on something? How did that hapen?

    Dan, why are you so anti American?

    Shy Man: “you dont read much”

    I read a litle bit but not enuff to hurt me none.

  8. 8

    England has been the home of so many wonderful Christian theologians and authors such as John Bunyan, J.I. Packer, C.S. Lewis, Charles Spurgeon, J.R.R. Tolkien, etc. God has used England mightily throughout its history.

    Angry Christian, there are many areas where I disagree with JK Rowling, but I have to admit that you don’t give an accurate account of her problems in the Harry Potter series.

    I started reading the Golden compass a few years ago and stopped halfway because to me it was boring. I didn’t know it was anti-God until the movie came out. I suspect that Pullman may be overrated, but I’d have to trudge through those books to give an accurate analysis on that…

    As for the other people Angry Christian referred to, I don’t know much about them.

  9. 9
    chillinatthecabstand Says:

    lol “Take our guns away”

    That’s pretty damn funny that you’re saying conservatives all have guns. ha ha….

    I just believe in choice, so I’m anti-gun control and for the decriminalization of weed and I’m pro-choice.

    Freedom to make choices is important, and gun control hurts that freedom.

  10. 10
    Dan Says:

    Angry, you are what we call a “remtard”.

    What I said in my comment:

    “I’m not against Americans”

    What you said to me:

    “Dan, why are you so anti American?”

    I said I’m not against the average American – I’m against some of the things that take place in America (the country – you live in it…) Americans in general seem to be quite friendly, far more so than people over here. However, there are a lot of inequalities and things that I find troubling about the country itself.

  11. 11
    angryxtian Says:

    What’s so wrong with inequalty? You love evolution so much, why don’t the poore just evolve some money?

  12. 12
    Dan Says:

    That has to be a joke right????

    I don’t “love” evolution – evolution is a theory about how we came to be. I don’t even believe it personally but there we go.

    How on earth do the poor “evolve money”?! I have an idea – how about the poor have a revolution and overthrow you idiots for once and turn the USA into a communist country – that’s evolution 😉

  13. 13
    undergroundnetwork Says:

    Why is that whenever someone criticises anything about the United States people label them anti-American? Your president goes on about freedom and liberty, how about the freedom to criticise? It appears to me that the label is just to stifle debate and ensure that the status quo remains. So forget about your high incarceration yet high crime rate, forget your high GDP yet dismal poverty statistics, forget your lack of civil liberties and other woeful problems. Close down all debate and become intellectually stagnant and drown in all your problems. Or discuss the issues and make your country a better place for everyone to live.

    New Zealand (where I am live) is not perfect, but frequently rate higher in international studies than the states. I expect you may find England higher up as well, Angry. Often at the top, are the particularly irreligious Scandinavian countries. Coincidence?

  14. 14
    Dapper Anarchist Says:

    From a Christian (well, Quaker, being the source of most of my knowledge of Christianity) viewpoint, inequality is wrong because everyone is a creation of god, equally capable of salvation and good works. The founding principle of Quakerism is that there “that of God in everyone capable of direct illumination from God”. Outside of that, my previous statement stands.

    From MY point of view, there are two kinds of people. The good, and your lot. Not Christians, not Americans, not Conservatives, but idiots.

  15. 15
    ruarris Says:

    You do realize that England is in Europe, right?

    To me, being ignorant is anti-American.

  16. 16
    Peter Says:

    This is possibly the funniest thing that I have read in a long time! Maybe I should be worried that (unfortunately) the most powerful country in the world can’t put a bit more money into educating instead of preaching a fairytale! The Americans I have met have been friendly, warm and open, who have taken the time to see other cultures!

    Do you own a passport? Have you ever left the inbred town of 10 you call home? You believe in god, congratulations but that’s your choice! Doesn’t the black lady upstairs preach freewill? Therefore aren’t we all allowed to conduct our lives how we see fit!

    For love of your god open your eyes…. or continue producing this hilarious drivel for future generations to also piss themselves at!

    On a personal note, I am a proud homosexual yet I love this gay agenda you rant about! Although world domination isn’t our top priority at the moment, I can assure you when we’ve achieved it you’ll still be welcome dear…. I know a rough trick called Jim who would just love to show you the light 😉

  17. 17
    amypebbleperson Says:

    Are you kidding me?

    “You love evolution so much, why don’t the poore just evolve some money?”

    You…DO know what evolution is…right? Oh and may I suggest a spell check, or perhaps a dictionary? Spell check may be too “evolved” for your standards.

  18. 18
    Kira Says:

    “There’s JD Rawling the guy who wrote Harry Potter which druggies love and say Harry Pothead. It’s a movie about magic witch is insulting to Christianity. The idea that wizards and dragons can make books fly is trying to diminish the power of God’s miracles and the Gospel. It’s also part of the gay agenda.”

    1st. It’s J.K. Rowlling.
    2. I don’t uderstand how Harry Potter would offend you. It’s just a story.
    3. I find it funny that a fictional book can diminish an “all powerfull” god’s power.
    4. There is no such thing as a “gay agenda”.

  19. 19
    BreathingMeat Says:

    If you’re going to Poe like this, you need to take the piss a lot further so that people get the fact that you’re not serious. Honestly, and sadly, you sound plausible.

  20. 20
    stoat100 Says:

    The UK is doing just fine, thanks. Your particular deity is largely dead here, along with (and this is just the Celtic ones):

    Dii Casses
    Dis Pater
    Esus – (Hesus)
    Genii Cucullati

  21. 21
    Melody Says:

    “Bunch of Godless heathens over there, probably from being so closed to Europe.”

    England is part of Europe, stupid.

    “There’s JD Rawling the guy who wrote Harry Potter which druggies love and say Harry Pothead. It’s a movie about magic witch is insulting to Christianity. The idea that wizards and dragons can make books fly is trying to diminish the power of God’s miracles and the Gospel. It’s also part of the gay agenda.”

    J.K. Rowling is a woman, and I wouldn’t bitch too much about her books. The people who read and enjoy her books KNOW it’s fiction, unlike you fundie nutjobs. Your bible is made of FAIL.

    “Pullman wrote The Golden Compass which is a book about basically the same thing. And he said “I’m For The Death of GOD.”

    Again. It’s FICTION.

    “Richard Dawkins is another Brittish person. We all know about him.”

    Wow, you got something right. Bravo.

    “And Christopher Hichens is a windbag alcoholic lush that needs to turn himself over to God in a AA meeting. And then go save his soul.”

    Hmm… a personal attack. Well, angryxtian, just from reading your comments, you come across as an ill-educated, hateful person. Your spelling needs improvement and your grammar is atrocious. In short, you are fundie fucktard.

    Have a nice day.

  22. 22
    Journeyer Says:

    Ooh, this is filled with so much fail I’m surprised it has not yet collapsed to a singularity!

    All the others here have pointed out all your obvious mistakes, so I’ll just add the fact that I’m a proud norwegian atheist. And, as has been said already, I bet you just love Norway and norwegians don’t you? With our free healthcare, ridiculously high incomes (just had to put that one in there), extremely low tolerance for fundamentalism and prejudice (of any kind) and our dominant politics of “for the good of the people.” It may not be perfect, but it sure seems to me to work a hell of lot better than in the United States of Jesusland.

    Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve met some very nice, knowledagble, polite and rational americans in my time, but I have no problems stating the obvious; that a lot of the worlds fundie nutbags are american.

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