Posts Tagged ‘Atheists’

How to Defeat the Mentally Ill (Atheists)

October 11, 2009

I just read this great article by a genius named “Brinwright”.  He says

Atheism is a mental illness because it is nothing more than a cry for attention. Most of these atheists are extremely intelligent people, highly educated, and passionate about being an atheist, denying the existence of God, and viciously ridiculing folks like me who challenge their false belief. It forces you to work on your ability to be patient in the face of real ugliness.

Here’s the clincher proof he found that defeats any argument any athiest can throw at you.

I ask them to give me a single example of anything, outside of what they call nature, that came into being without intelligent direction. Of course, they can not. Everything manufactured by man required intelligent direction, right? Of course.

They just can’t get by that one. Because its true. He has a point. Everything in the world has a begining and people have one to and its God made us.

Heres what other people are saying

Good article, because the atheists are usually lefty loonies in this country, and their style of freedom actually is nothing more than bondage. Morality is repugnant to them, and most likely have had few truly intimate relationships because of it – since how in the world can you trust someone whose moral compass is merely whatever “feels good,” and if you get hurt in a relationship with me, “that’s your problem.”

And freedom to foist their “religion,” on the rest of the world is also much more vehemently pursued, than even the most evagelical pastor on most of these websites.

And heres how he answers the athiest and libtard critics.

Order? Think about your wristwatch. This represents order. However, that order did not simply happen without intelligent direction. Atheists believe such order can be produced without intelligent direction. That’s impossible.

Order? Think about the orderliness of a human being? Or an eagle? What I am saying to you is these things represent ORDER which could not exist without an organizing intelligence.

Atheists, like you, simply choose to ignore common sense, and cry out for attention with your nonsensical arguments. You asked for PROOF?

How about a wristwatch, a human being and an eagle. Of course, there are literally billions of other examples of ORDERLINESS (ORDER) I could cite too. However, you are an atheist, which translates into idiot.

Oh, by the way, does the earth revolve around the sun? Heliocentrists believe it does but Geocentrists believe it does not. I am not sure. But, whatever is actually happening is ORDERLY!

Atheists, like you, are so clearly angry at organized religion for some reason, maybe your catholic priest rejected you after you fell in love with him? I don’t know why you have become mentally ill, but to reason that highly complex, super sophisticated forms of ORDER just happened, just created themselves without any intelligence directing the process, is absolutely MENTAL ILLNESS.

Just think about how ridiculous you sound. You act as if I am rejecting science. No, I am simply rejecting your interpretation of science.

Like I asked before, NAME ONE ORDERLY PROCESS OR ORGANISM that did not require some directing intelligence and I’ll kiss your atheistic ass.
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They Say They Found The Missing Link

October 7, 2009

Does this look like your grandma?

Ape Man

Ape Man

The evolution propaganda says this is your family.  Do you think this is where YOU came from?  Instead of God made you for a divine purpose?

What Are These New Web Blogs???!?!?!/

May 20, 2008

I don’t know what the heck these ar, but there in my dashboard! It makes it really hard to figure out how to do anything. When I’m loking at the site or someone elses weeb blog to make a coment, I can’t just go to my dashboard I have to find the real one in a menu! Now evrything inside is complicated and hart to find.

I think maybe my web blog got hacked by militant athiests. The fundamentalist ones that take after Dawkins and Richard Hichens.
I dont know what’s going on I don’t know how this hapened and I don’t know how to fix it. I heard you can delete it like how Paul Jubb’s exelent web blog, but they even hid that!
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WHY Christians HAve Morals

May 4, 2008

there are a good many things which would not be worth bothering about if I were going to live only seventy years, but which I had better bother about very seriously if I am going to live for ever. Perhaps my bad temper or my jealousy are gradually getting worse -so gradually that the increase in seventy years will not be very noticeable. But it might be absolute hell in a million years: in fact, if Christianity is true, Hell is the precisely correct technical term for what it would be.

Thus, if humans are immortal and either morally progressing or decaying there are only 2 logical outcomes:

1. Heavenly creatures
2. Hellish creatures

Stupid Athiest Attacking Christians

April 27, 2008

It got reported in Fox News, a woman calld Joy Morris said all the saints are crazy.

“Suggesting that holiness of life is equivalent to a mental disorder as Ms. Behar did is rather unbalanced to say the least,” Morris said.

“Nobody is beatified or canonized because they hear voices. People are declared saints because they have first of all exemplified a heroic living of Christian virtue.”

As for Behar’s characterization of Mother Teresa, Morris said the talk-show host would do well to study the humanitarian’s life.

“Clearly she is no church historian. Saying ‘she didn’t believe 100 percent’ is a simplistic and superficial reading of the news,” said Morris. “Why would you spend 60 years in a slum in the name of Jesus out of love for God if you don’t believe in Jesus or God 100 percent?”

This is a example of Christianity under attack by modern secular athiests.

Christians Are Just Beter People

April 26, 2008

This university study proofs it. By Andrew Singleton of Monash University.

We found that one in five 13-to-24 year olds are actively religious, while about one in six could be described as atheists. The rest are religiously or spiritually disengaged but tend to either secular indifference or a superficial interest in the New Age.

…The religiously active are more likely to have positive civic attitudes, display high levels of social concern and be actively involved in community service. Active Christians, for example, do much more hours of volunteer work per month than secular youth. On a measure of the extent to which a person holds positive human values — favouring an ethical life, justice for all and having an orientation to the common good — we also found the religiously active to be streets ahead.

These findings make sense when we consider that regular attendees at religious services are encouraged to lead altruistic and ethical lives and given ample opportunities to partake in community service.

What about the young atheists? Most secular-minded youth are more self-oriented because there is no widely understood or shared ethical alternative paradigm on which to model their lives. Despite recent commentary about “generation Y” being community-minded, our evidence suggests that the prevailing ethos of the past decade — individualism and consumerism — afflicts young people in spades. And the secular humanists and rationalists do not seem to be putting up a credible, earthly alternative way of life.

However, a significant proportion of Gen Y go against that trend. They demonstrate strong community values and are actively involved in their communities in ways that assist the marginalised and disadvantaged. Some do hard-edge volunteer work that requires both initiative and courage. This type of service takes them outside their comfort zone and provides them with new skills and confidence.

Those who engage in voluntary work are likely to have a strong commitment to community values and be actively involved their faith. Active Christians and those New Agers who were brought up Christian demonstrate high levels of community involvement and altruism.

Spirituality type is also correlated with generosity: although 25% of Seculars and 8% of Active Christians give nothing to charity in a year, those Active Christians who do donate are generous in their giving.

What’s Wrong With England?

April 22, 2008

Bunch of Godless heathens over there, probably from being so closed to Europe.

There’s JD Rawling the guy who wrote Harry Potter which druggies love and say Harry Pothead. It’s a movie about magic witch is insulting to Christianity. The idea that wizards and dragons can make books fly is trying to diminish the power of God’s miracles and the Gospel. It’s also part of the gay agenda.

Pullman wrote The Golden Compass which is a book about basically the same thing. And he said “I’m For The Death of GOD.”

Richard Dawkins is another Brittish person. We all know about him.

And Christopher Hichens is a windbag alcoholic lush that needs to turn himself over to God in a AA meeting. And then go save his soul.

Funny Response To Evilution From Atheit’s

April 15, 2008

A atheit is a athiest idiot, and something else to but I can’t say it. They love to flock around an tell you your rong when you say anything about there athiet bible evilution. They don’t like that there little big lie has finally been found out and proved a lie once an for all. That makes them really angry!

Go look on the last post I did its called Debunking THEORY of evolution. The athiests swarmed like flies on something that comes out the rong side of a dog and riting all kinds of nasty name calling but they aren’t saying anything about evilution at all except they like it.

I haven’t even got started yet on all the ways its a dirty lie and they should have to pay reparations to all the good Christians they offended with this lieing garbage. Let’s have a look at there so caled answers right?

  1. He laffed at me.
  2. I responded back.
  3. Someone says their’s a bunch of transishional fossil records and he says go look on some web blog that has em all.
  4. Then he also said God didn’t reaveal the truth to Darwin, well if that’s true I dn’t have a problem with that Darwin is a jerk.
  5. Someone called me a liar and other personal insults but didn’t have anything positiv to say and didn’t even say what he think sisn’t true.  But he said one of those “doctors” I warned you about is “an idiot” well he’s smarter than whoevr rote that comment, that guy isn’t a doctor.
  6. Sam guy said Christians don’t ike the truth but I’m the only one that’s said the truth!
  7. Now the same guy still! is using swar words.
  8. Some other jerk is laughing on me, I don’t know why people think it’s funny to try your best to serve God the truth is it’s note even me he’s scared of he doesn’t like God!
  9. Spider Man is at least polite.
  10. Athiest Children At The Crack Spot says “evolution a fact not a thery” cause he doesn’t no science.
  11. Spider Man says it’s wikipedia, that libral biased den of filth.
  12. Finally there’s a good Christian here to defend the faith against this on slought.
  13. This underground guy is spreading more lies.
  14. Someone called In Gods Name reminds us of the Bible!
  15. A fake Christian sits on the fense.
  16. Crack Pack thinks Steve Colbert isn’t a sick joke and not even a funny one to.
  17. Duh.  Again.
  18. Spider Man agres with a athiest but he back tracks about wikipedia.
  19. And I remind anybody I’m the only one with facts – because al the facts prove evilution is a sham!!!

The beautifulest quote from all the athiests is this:

One more thing you ******* moron. Evolution has tons of evidence.

Ha!  Insulting Christians doesn’t proove your stupid theory all you athiests made a new religion out of.  I’m the only on that posted any facts at all!

Even Scientists Worship Jesus

April 10, 2008

I read a story on the wild wide web by some athiest who wants America to turn into a pagan country like Russia.  This is yet anothr example of athiests knoking on our doors trying to beat God up in our hearts.  i really don’t know why killing God is so important to these people??!?

Anyway you should still read it just ignore the athiest lies.  It says the guy who discovered DNA realised the error of his ways adn turned himself over to Jesus on day.  If a guy that “smart” who used to be an athiest can see the light it means there is still hop in the world for the rest of the unwashed swin to become pure in God’s eyes, and we can all live in peace after that.

Some Christians Being Fooled By Athiest Devils

April 4, 2008

I kee p getting harassed by a athiest called Chilling Out At The Chrack Shack.  You’ve probably seen his vile toungue in the comments section here just needing to be contradictory to everything.  And lieing a lot.

On his own blog Chilly has a lot to say.  He laughs at dieing Christians because he thinks genocide is funnyAnd he celebrates terrorism.  Typical, right?  This is the kind of shrill sound of evil that’s pollluting our Christian world and probably making God thing twice about before sending his beloved and only Son back into this pit of filth the atheists are making.  Forcing us to live in a world as they seperat it from God.

Well it’s even worse!  This particular athiest ( who’s worse even than Dick Dawkins, cause he at leaast tries to sound like he’s not stupid and vile and hateful ) is recruiting Christians to his wicked cause.  But I gotta warn you that Alexander the Grate is a libtard and probly a fake Christian.  You can fool me, Alexander, but you can’t fool Jesus!

Example of Athiest Garbage (Dawkins Guy)

April 2, 2008

“More ordinarily, selfish behavior may consist simply in refusing to share some valued resource such as sexual partners.”

That’s by the athiest “God” Dick Dawkins. I didn’t believe it myself until someone showed it to me, but it’s right there in black and white in The Selfish Gene Chapter 1.

Some Libtards Really Hate God

March 30, 2008

Libtard is my new favorite word. It’s short for “liberal retard” and we have lots of those. I found a blog written by one of them.

Chilly At The Crab Shack is written by a libtard with a chip on his shoulder. Look at this, the guy is calling allmighty God by the a word! Normally I wouldn’t want to link to something like this because it’s like pond scum. But in the comments here on this web blog for Jesus, a lot of people haven’t really been able to believe that it’s got so bad. But this is proof – a man who actually hats God.

You know 100 years ago this wouldn’t be tolerated. Even in those Islam countries it’s still against the law. The crazy guy from Iran with the name nobody can say right even had a good point. Why is it that it’s ok to disrespect God but if you say anything about different kinds of people or whatever the ACLU will nail you to the wall? Rap music like Barak Obama makes is more important to the unbelievers than God.