Posts Tagged ‘lies’

They Say They Found The Missing Link

October 7, 2009

Does this look like your grandma?

Ape Man

Ape Man

The evolution propaganda says this is your family.  Do you think this is where YOU came from?  Instead of God made you for a divine purpose?

Funny Response To Evilution From Atheit’s

April 15, 2008

A atheit is a athiest idiot, and something else to but I can’t say it. They love to flock around an tell you your rong when you say anything about there athiet bible evilution. They don’t like that there little big lie has finally been found out and proved a lie once an for all. That makes them really angry!

Go look on the last post I did its called Debunking THEORY of evolution. The athiests swarmed like flies on something that comes out the rong side of a dog and riting all kinds of nasty name calling but they aren’t saying anything about evilution at all except they like it.

I haven’t even got started yet on all the ways its a dirty lie and they should have to pay reparations to all the good Christians they offended with this lieing garbage. Let’s have a look at there so caled answers right?

  1. He laffed at me.
  2. I responded back.
  3. Someone says their’s a bunch of transishional fossil records and he says go look on some web blog that has em all.
  4. Then he also said God didn’t reaveal the truth to Darwin, well if that’s true I dn’t have a problem with that Darwin is a jerk.
  5. Someone called me a liar and other personal insults but didn’t have anything positiv to say and didn’t even say what he think sisn’t true.  But he said one of those “doctors” I warned you about is “an idiot” well he’s smarter than whoevr rote that comment, that guy isn’t a doctor.
  6. Sam guy said Christians don’t ike the truth but I’m the only one that’s said the truth!
  7. Now the same guy still! is using swar words.
  8. Some other jerk is laughing on me, I don’t know why people think it’s funny to try your best to serve God the truth is it’s note even me he’s scared of he doesn’t like God!
  9. Spider Man is at least polite.
  10. Athiest Children At The Crack Spot says “evolution a fact not a thery” cause he doesn’t no science.
  11. Spider Man says it’s wikipedia, that libral biased den of filth.
  12. Finally there’s a good Christian here to defend the faith against this on slought.
  13. This underground guy is spreading more lies.
  14. Someone called In Gods Name reminds us of the Bible!
  15. A fake Christian sits on the fense.
  16. Crack Pack thinks Steve Colbert isn’t a sick joke and not even a funny one to.
  17. Duh.  Again.
  18. Spider Man agres with a athiest but he back tracks about wikipedia.
  19. And I remind anybody I’m the only one with facts – because al the facts prove evilution is a sham!!!

The beautifulest quote from all the athiests is this:

One more thing you ******* moron. Evolution has tons of evidence.

Ha!  Insulting Christians doesn’t proove your stupid theory all you athiests made a new religion out of.  I’m the only on that posted any facts at all!

Michael Moore Lies To You About Communism

April 9, 2008

Let’s just see what the libral media is saying shal we?

From CNN: Analysis: ‘Sicko’ numbers mostly accurate; more context needed.

Moore spends about half his film detailing the wonders and the benefits of the government-funded universal health-care systems in Canada, France, Cuba and the United Kingdom. He shows calm, content people in waiting rooms and people getting care in hospitals hassle free. People laugh and smile as he asks about billing departments and cost of stay.Not surprisingly, it’s not that simple. In most other countries, there are quotas and planned waiting times. Everyone does have access to basic levels of care. That care plan is formulated by teams of government physicians and officials who determine what’s to be included in the universal basic coverage and how a specific condition is treated. If you want treatment outside of that standard plan, then you have to pay for it yourself.

From Daily News: Moore’s ‘Sicko’ gives all too pleasant view of Cuba’s health care.

And those who decry America’s health care as stratified should save some outrage for Cuba – where tourists like Moore and Communist party officials get all kinds of care that’s out of reach for Cuba’s 11 million average citizens. The fact that the vast majority of them often have to bring their own food, soap and sheets to the hospital somehow didn’t make it into the final cut of “Sicko.”

From The Chicago Tribune: What Michael Moore left on the cutting room floor.

In the film’s trailer, a desk attendant at a British hospital smiles while explaining that in Britain’s National Health Service, “everything is free.” But for free hospital care, Britons pay an awfully high price.Just ask the nearly 1 million British patients on waiting lists for treatment. Or the 200,000 Britons currently waiting merely to get on NHS waiting lists. Mr. Moore must have missed those folks. …

Consider waiting lists. Across Britain, patients wait years for routine — or even emergency — treatments. And many die while waiting.

Indeed, the NHS cancels around 100,000 operations because of shortages each year. In a growing number of communities, it is increasingly difficult for people to simply get an appointment with an NHS general practitioner for a regular checkup.

Further, when it comes to keeping patients healthy, NHS hospitals are notoriously unfit. After admittance to state hospitals, more than 10 percent of patients contract infections and illnesses that they did not have prior to arrival. And according to the Malnutrition Advisory Group, up to 60 percent of NHS patients are undernourished during inpatient stays.

Consequently, many Britons have turned to outside practitioners for treatment, and the private health-care market has boomed. Today, more than 6.5 million people have private medical insurance, 6 million have cash plans, 8 million pay out-of-pocket for a range of complimentary therapies, and 250,000 self-fund each year for private surgery. Millions more opt for private dentistry, ophthalmics and long-term care.

So how come all the libtard athiests who like to pretend they’re smart talk about how good Cuba is? Basilly they hate America.

Some Christians Being Fooled By Athiest Devils

April 4, 2008

I kee p getting harassed by a athiest called Chilling Out At The Chrack Shack.  You’ve probably seen his vile toungue in the comments section here just needing to be contradictory to everything.  And lieing a lot.

On his own blog Chilly has a lot to say.  He laughs at dieing Christians because he thinks genocide is funnyAnd he celebrates terrorism.  Typical, right?  This is the kind of shrill sound of evil that’s pollluting our Christian world and probably making God thing twice about before sending his beloved and only Son back into this pit of filth the atheists are making.  Forcing us to live in a world as they seperat it from God.

Well it’s even worse!  This particular athiest ( who’s worse even than Dick Dawkins, cause he at leaast tries to sound like he’s not stupid and vile and hateful ) is recruiting Christians to his wicked cause.  But I gotta warn you that Alexander the Grate is a libtard and probly a fake Christian.  You can fool me, Alexander, but you can’t fool Jesus!