Posts Tagged ‘censorship’

Athiest Outlines Plot Against Ben Stien

August 28, 2008

I don’t no what it is that makes software nerds all be evil people, but this is 2 in a row now. First it was Larry Software Guy and then its this guy a Chinese feng shui worshipper.

Here’s what hes got to say:

We also use google-bombing to do this for wider audiences, and we’ve had a recent success with this regarding Expelled, where we pushed the Expelled Exposed site up right next to the movie in Google’s results.

That’s a kind of cyber terrorism used by democrats and librals to get there way.

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Funny Response To Evilution From Atheit’s

April 15, 2008

A atheit is a athiest idiot, and something else to but I can’t say it. They love to flock around an tell you your rong when you say anything about there athiet bible evilution. They don’t like that there little big lie has finally been found out and proved a lie once an for all. That makes them really angry!

Go look on the last post I did its called Debunking THEORY of evolution. The athiests swarmed like flies on something that comes out the rong side of a dog and riting all kinds of nasty name calling but they aren’t saying anything about evilution at all except they like it.

I haven’t even got started yet on all the ways its a dirty lie and they should have to pay reparations to all the good Christians they offended with this lieing garbage. Let’s have a look at there so caled answers right?

  1. He laffed at me.
  2. I responded back.
  3. Someone says their’s a bunch of transishional fossil records and he says go look on some web blog that has em all.
  4. Then he also said God didn’t reaveal the truth to Darwin, well if that’s true I dn’t have a problem with that Darwin is a jerk.
  5. Someone called me a liar and other personal insults but didn’t have anything positiv to say and didn’t even say what he think sisn’t true.  But he said one of those “doctors” I warned you about is “an idiot” well he’s smarter than whoevr rote that comment, that guy isn’t a doctor.
  6. Sam guy said Christians don’t ike the truth but I’m the only one that’s said the truth!
  7. Now the same guy still! is using swar words.
  8. Some other jerk is laughing on me, I don’t know why people think it’s funny to try your best to serve God the truth is it’s note even me he’s scared of he doesn’t like God!
  9. Spider Man is at least polite.
  10. Athiest Children At The Crack Spot says “evolution a fact not a thery” cause he doesn’t no science.
  11. Spider Man says it’s wikipedia, that libral biased den of filth.
  12. Finally there’s a good Christian here to defend the faith against this on slought.
  13. This underground guy is spreading more lies.
  14. Someone called In Gods Name reminds us of the Bible!
  15. A fake Christian sits on the fense.
  16. Crack Pack thinks Steve Colbert isn’t a sick joke and not even a funny one to.
  17. Duh.  Again.
  18. Spider Man agres with a athiest but he back tracks about wikipedia.
  19. And I remind anybody I’m the only one with facts – because al the facts prove evilution is a sham!!!

The beautifulest quote from all the athiests is this:

One more thing you ******* moron. Evolution has tons of evidence.

Ha!  Insulting Christians doesn’t proove your stupid theory all you athiests made a new religion out of.  I’m the only on that posted any facts at all!

Paul Jub Killed Online

March 31, 2008

Paul Jub had a good Christian web site preaching the Gospel but it got killed by The Atheist Spider Man and Chilly At The Crack Spot. Just another example of athiests censoring Christians and taking away there free speech.

Univrsities Taking Away Christian Rights

March 25, 2008

They aren’t the only ones but they push society against us. You have to see this video:

It’s amazing. Students are literally being forced into classes that make them read verses from the Koran! This is outrageous. Somehow turning people away from faith is supposed to be tolerance. The more we turn away from God the worse society gets. More godlessness is the liberal’s answer like they drink to cure a hang over.

And what do they learn at the university? Unprotected sex. Coddling to protect their self esteem. Indoctrination to the gay agenda. Kids at college these days are actually taught to have gay friends because it makes them look “cool” and “diverse” and “tolerant.”

( This is a backdoor tactic, I promise you. Just like medical marijuana is code for liberals being able to smoke drugs legally, but in slow motion because moral people are offended at the idea, so they have to try and sneak it by us like that. )

So how can we do something about this? If you have kids, please send them to a Christian school!