Dont Like Reading, Hahahahahahaha

January 6, 2010

Stupids think this is like eating children.  Bahahahahaha!!

What to do with your books
What to do with your books

Online Clothing Shopping USA

Scientists Prove Man Needs GOD

December 19, 2009

In a landmarking study that went on for 30 years, scientists found out that society cant exist without people beleiving in God.  Without knowing God created the world for us, people can’t trust each other.  It would be constant war plus if no one trusts no one, its no towns no farming no trade no society.

Her’s a quote:

All studies disprove atheists’ thoughts, in this very recent study , scientists emphasize that religion helps man in happiness, existence and optimism ….

A group of scientists from the British University of Columbia emphasize, through a chain of scientific researches, that there is no life on earth without the existence of religion. Religion was and is still a must for man’s existence within regulated societies. They have reached this conclusion after careful examining of the conditions of a group of atheists and comparing them with the conditions of a group of God believers.
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Liberals Love Murder

November 14, 2009

And I don’t just mean rap music!

Libtard heros

Libtard heros

I guess communism worked so good Obama wants to do the same thing to health.
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God Is a Conservative

November 10, 2009

I guess that’s like saying the sun is warm and water is blue.  Being a conservitave is all about keeping God’s law.  In the world.  Think about it.  Librals are always the ones who try to turn every society there in against God’s tradition.

Here’s 10 proofs.

  1. Killing babys?  That’s a libral thing to do.  Some activist judges made the wrong call in Roe vs. Wade (who lied about being raped by the way under oath!) and now every libral in America wants the goverment to pay for free abortions for all, and call it “health care”.
  2. Family.  Only conservative puts a focus on the family.  That means marriage is important, that means not killing children but growing them up instead.  Showing your son how to be a man.
  3. The Ten Commandments.  The libtarded ACLU actually made this illegal.  What more can I say?
  4. Evolution.  This is an athiest ploy, but it’s the librals that fell for it.  The democrat party wants us to think there the ones that are all about science so they suck up, and push evolution down your childrens throats in school.
  5. Michael Moore.  He’s like the Antichrist’s retarded brother.
  6. Israel.  Ever notice that all left wing radicals are palestine sympathizers who want to see are friends the Jews wiped off the map?
  7. Morals.  Sensative librals made it illegal for parents to spank there children.  They took morality out of the schools, so children grow up not learning how to be upstanding citizens members of society.  The world is falling apart because of the evrything goes experiment they’ve been allowed to pull off ever since Kennedy was president.  Look at the blatant sex all over the TV!
  8. Drugs.  Were taught the body is a temple, but the democrat party wants to legalize drugs.  Obama said they won’t prosecute marijuana anymore.
  9. Cultural filth.  See what the Hollyweird crowd did to us?  Brittney Spears on the magazines in grocery stores where mothers go shopping with there childen.  It’s the kind of decay like when Rome fell to the pagans.  Most young people would rather do blasphemy than go to church anymore, and street crime is rampant, citys aren’t safe places anymore.
  10. Terrorism.  Librals hate Jesus Christ, but they’re all super friendly with the Islamists.  It’s all about appologizing for Allah, letting terrorists go, and closing Guantanamo so we can get hit again.  God helps us when we help ourself.

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What Libtards Believe

October 29, 2009

I found this web blog called “DPROGRAM Making Propaganda.”  Actually it says the opposite but thats what they do.  The bunch of advertisements and banners and buttons just blew me away.  I went and came back a couple times and I think some of em change, but most stay the same.  Cause there ones the librals love best.

Here’s some of what I found.  Warning its all conspiracy theory.

  • Bloodlines of the Illumaniti
  • The “Other” Israel
  • Freemasonry
  • 9/11 Mystery
  • 9/11 The “Myth” and the “Reality”
  • 9/11 The Greatest Lie Ever Sold
  • And a ad for Hemp USA

The 9/11 stuff is insulting.  These morons think George Bush attacked America just because they have a personal problem with him, and are paranoid.  Nutjobs just cant even have respect for a tragedy and have to go around rubbing salt in everybody wound because they have some kind of paranoid fantasy.
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Bring Back Debtor’s Prisons

October 25, 2009

This whole economic disaster Obama cant fix is caused by home loans.  People took out big morgages and borrowed money for houses they couldnt afford.  Most of them were really extravagent, like where you borrow money just by telling the bank what your salary is but without any proof.  ( Drug Dealer Loans. )  So people got all kinds of fancy stuff to impress other people they couldn’t afford.

But that’s not all.  Its also credit cards!  People can get a bankrupcy easier than making a phone call, so you can just borrow all the money you want and then not have to pay it back.  So whatever you buy is free.  You get to keep your stereo and video games and wireless computer and any other toys with other people’s money.

This is called stealing.  And one of the Ten Commandments says “THOU SHALT NOT STEAL.”  But it got so rampant thats how our economy is, they just charge the honest people more to support the thieves.  But there got to be so many people ripping the system off, that it collapsed under the weight of greedy materialist people with no morals who steal to get what they want.

It used to be there was a special prison for people who take advantage of other people helping them until there families paid there debt.  We stopped, and now there’s no money to be lent, crippling the economy.  We can’t afford to let petty theives turn us into a third world country.  We have to bring back debt prisons.

Dubai still has debter’s prisons, and they have a booming economy.

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The Missing LInk Debunked

October 23, 2009

I want to bring everybodys attention to a web blog thats about faith in God and Jesus.  Its called Defend the Word.  He published a article that tells the truth CNN wont tell you about the so called missing link Ida.

Yep, that’s right.  The missing link is still missing.

Here is the address:

To show you why you should give this man a few minutes of your time and hear what he has to say, I want to show you the begining of what he wrote about this important topic.

Good news for creation narrative and ID proponents and I’m sorry to say yet more bad news for Evolution, now that “Finally discovered missing link” is discovered not to be the missing link after all. Should we go back to the fact that we don’t have the missing link now? Good to see the retraction except now we have no big advertisement no big media coverage press conference with David Attenborough or National geographic. Will they own up now and say we still have the problem of missing link? I doubt it but at least they don’t persist with the lie, and that can only be good.

And just to make sure no one forgot.  This is such a important topic because the militant atheists like Dawkins and Sam Harris and Drunk Hitchens and more of them.  They tell are children lies that we came from mud that decided to be alive one day and became a fish frog monkey.

That’s where they tell children they came from, and there’s no purpose in life and no morality.  They tell people the Bible is just another book, that you can do whatever you want, if it feels good do it.  This is why we have drug addiction and AIDS.  Social Darwinism even convinced Adolph Hitler to kill all the jews so he could breed a perfect race.

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Evolution = Circular Logic

October 23, 2009

Evilution means survival of the fitest.  But fit dont mean strong and it don’t mean smart, it means you survived.  So evolution is survival of hte ones that survived.

How to Defeat the Mentally Ill (Atheists)

October 11, 2009

I just read this great article by a genius named “Brinwright”.  He says

Atheism is a mental illness because it is nothing more than a cry for attention. Most of these atheists are extremely intelligent people, highly educated, and passionate about being an atheist, denying the existence of God, and viciously ridiculing folks like me who challenge their false belief. It forces you to work on your ability to be patient in the face of real ugliness.

Here’s the clincher proof he found that defeats any argument any athiest can throw at you.

I ask them to give me a single example of anything, outside of what they call nature, that came into being without intelligent direction. Of course, they can not. Everything manufactured by man required intelligent direction, right? Of course.

They just can’t get by that one. Because its true. He has a point. Everything in the world has a begining and people have one to and its God made us.

Heres what other people are saying

Good article, because the atheists are usually lefty loonies in this country, and their style of freedom actually is nothing more than bondage. Morality is repugnant to them, and most likely have had few truly intimate relationships because of it – since how in the world can you trust someone whose moral compass is merely whatever “feels good,” and if you get hurt in a relationship with me, “that’s your problem.”

And freedom to foist their “religion,” on the rest of the world is also much more vehemently pursued, than even the most evagelical pastor on most of these websites.

And heres how he answers the athiest and libtard critics.

Order? Think about your wristwatch. This represents order. However, that order did not simply happen without intelligent direction. Atheists believe such order can be produced without intelligent direction. That’s impossible.

Order? Think about the orderliness of a human being? Or an eagle? What I am saying to you is these things represent ORDER which could not exist without an organizing intelligence.

Atheists, like you, simply choose to ignore common sense, and cry out for attention with your nonsensical arguments. You asked for PROOF?

How about a wristwatch, a human being and an eagle. Of course, there are literally billions of other examples of ORDERLINESS (ORDER) I could cite too. However, you are an atheist, which translates into idiot.

Oh, by the way, does the earth revolve around the sun? Heliocentrists believe it does but Geocentrists believe it does not. I am not sure. But, whatever is actually happening is ORDERLY!

Atheists, like you, are so clearly angry at organized religion for some reason, maybe your catholic priest rejected you after you fell in love with him? I don’t know why you have become mentally ill, but to reason that highly complex, super sophisticated forms of ORDER just happened, just created themselves without any intelligence directing the process, is absolutely MENTAL ILLNESS.

Just think about how ridiculous you sound. You act as if I am rejecting science. No, I am simply rejecting your interpretation of science.

Like I asked before, NAME ONE ORDERLY PROCESS OR ORGANISM that did not require some directing intelligence and I’ll kiss your atheistic ass.
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Obama Can Haz Peace Prize?

October 10, 2009

Al Gore got a Nobel Peace Prize for making a movie with Michael Moore.  Now Obama got one for being black.  What a worthless prize.  It’s like Cracker Jacks.

How Obama Got His Peace Prize

How Obama Got His Peace Prize

They Say They Found The Missing Link

October 7, 2009

Does this look like your grandma?

Ape Man

Ape Man

The evolution propaganda says this is your family.  Do you think this is where YOU came from?  Instead of God made you for a divine purpose?

New York Times Promotes Drug Use And Addiction

October 5, 2009

Look at the latest headline from the New York Treasonist!

Wanted: Pot Critic With Shrewd Taste and Medical Need

Well, the NYT is running this commercial to help some hippy news paper find someone to tell people where to buy there drugs.  This is what happens when you let someone like Obama be president.  Or any libral.
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We Should Just Bomb England

October 5, 2009

I think its from England anyway, cause he has the same homosexual accent as Richard Dawkins.  They both have that feminin tone to there voice, like they probably flick there wrist and sit down to pee.

But that’s not the point.  This is a gangster rap song about genetics.  It’s evolutionist propaganda, but it’s hidden inside the kind of entertainment thats popular nowadays.  So when kids go to the store and buy what they think is gonna be just like the newest Tupac or Will Smith albums, they’ll have there guard down, and lies will go into there head about “everything bad you do, your genes made you do it, so you don’t have to take any responsibility.”

England sent us LSD and the Beatles.  They sent us Harry Potter.  They sent us Richard Dorkins offensive book, and that kook Hitchens.  Plus they actually have death panels – they don’t let old people have medicine that would save there life because its too expensive because they have goverment communist health care.  England is a Godless country, a cess pool leaking poison out to harm are children.

You wouldn’t let your daughter go on dates with the guy who sells marijuana to school kids.  Well, England is a bad influnce to.  I think we should cut off contact with them.  Its not doing us any good.
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Five things that would make atheists seem nicer

October 2, 2009

I think folks should read this.  Just ignore th comments from Satan’s army.